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WHEN THE ARTIST DISAVOWS THE WORK / A right for artists / Andrea Concas / ArteConcas

A right for artists

In the art world, the cases in which artists come to disavow their works are not rare.

In Italy, copyright grants artists the right to withdraw from work a work – even an autograph – for serious moral reasons including the case in which it contrasts with the changed personality of the author.

The will in disregarding a work by artists involves many cases, we discover the most interesting ones …

#art #repentenceright #artist #arteconcas

Watch the video with english subtitles on YouTube:

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 ANDREA CONCAS / The art world no one told you / Arte CONCAS

I speak about art and cultural marketing, I discover a “secret” a day, and I publish three weekly video …
On Instagram something more ..
And what are you waiting for? Discover the secrets of the art world …
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Every day I live, communicate and speak of art with anyone and everywhere, as founder of Art Backers and Art Rights, teacher, consultant or speaker
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